Responding to COVID-19: Large-scale disinfection and sanitation for supply chain integrity

calendar icon 04.04.2020

Maintaining supply chain continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial and essential. We started a series of videos, articles and webinars for Centaur to share its knowledge and resources with agriculture and food businesses, to assist in dealing with these unprecedented challenges.

Feel free to reach out to us immediately for any further advice and assistance.


Disinfectants and sanitation for agriculture and food facilities

Vasilis Sotiroudas, Centaur co-founder and food safety specialist, shares strategies for large-scale disinfection and sanitation against the COVID-19 virus (and other pathogens) for agriculture, food and logistics facilities.

Webinars: Storing Crops and Ingredients to Anticipate Disruptions

Supply-chain bottlenecks in various parts of the world currently, compounded by price volatility, may mean your grains will have to stay in the bin for longer than usual going forward. Register now for our upcoming webinars on storage and supply-chain resiliency.

Live map of coronavirus cases in the USA

source: CDC



Supporting you during the pandemic

Tune in frequently for further resources on addressing COVID-19 challenges in the Ag & Food supply chain. Get on our newsletter to receive new content as it becomes available.

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